Everything, Now! | Police, Police!

Police, Police!

Police, Police! was recorded in a haze of stress, fear, anger, and pure joy mostly between February and July 2004 at the basement of the 525 in Muncie, IN.

Torn apart and put back together again by Tyler Watkins and Jonathan Rogers. Mixed and mastered whenever Tyler felt like it.

Artwork by the amazing Lisa Adang. Layout and design by the not-as-amazing Justin Clark (perpetual-motionrecords.com)

All manner of evil: Jonathan David Rogers, Daniel Schepper, Rob Williamson, Drew DeBoy, and Benjamin Sutton.

With valuable contributions from: Erick Sherman - drums and percussion, Evan Whikehart - banjo, Ryan Reidy - violin, Kevin Phillips - trumpet, Mark Latta - beer, Abby Wilkes - bubbles, cell phone, Eric Alexander, Ryan Reidy, Taylor Reed, Diana Hamilton, Erick Sherman, Andrew Dicer, Bryan Nelson, Squirrel, Kelly Hake, Luther Lee Lofland III, Abigail Wilkes, Tyler Watkins, Justin Clark, Carolyn Polachek, Twon - group vocals/ party vocals / other stuff.

Many thanks to everyone who played on or helped work on this album, all the bands who have played shows with us, the venues we’ve played at, all the people who let us stay with them, all the people who come out to the shows, and our various friends and family members: Put together, all of you make up a group of valuable individuals who have made the very existence of this band possible and we hope that you share in our joy of finally having this record out.

©2004 Everything, Now! Standard Recording Company, Inc.