Everything, Now! | Hideout Mountain

Hideout Mountain

"We are always on the border of complete chaos / We are pursued by death and grace at the same time."

With more than two decades of experience honing their exuberant blend of power pop and psych-leaning indie rock, Indianapolis quintet Everything, Now! return from a years-long hiatus with their 7th full-length album, HIDEOUT MOUNTAIN, almost certainly their best work to date.

Recorded in 2023 at Postal Recording with legendary rock n roll producer Tyler Watkins, HIDEOUT MOUNTAIN unambiguously roars into existence, swiftly making the case that Everything, Now! haven’t missed a beat.

Riding the line between self-effacing goofiness and heart-tugging honesty would be challenging for most bands; Everything, Now! insist that it’s where they thrive. Horns, strings, and noisemakers proliferate. A poignant turn of phrase gives way to a raucous guitar solo. Spaced-out synth tones float into the mix at unexpected moments. Every strange sound effect and percussion toy imaginable is placed with utmost care. Above all, Everything, Now! prove that after two decades of shaping their own little corner of the indie rock universe, they somehow sound more like themselves than ever, while deliberately combining a much wider variety of influences than most of their contemporaries would admit to having.

On repeated listens, HIDEOUT MOUNTAIN paints a portrait of modern life with wry humor and plenty of empathy, leaning into timeworn stories of grief and anguish, but also leaving space for moments of joy, vulnerability, and the persistence of a quiet hope that the future can be worth pursuing. In today’s atmosphere of algorithm-fueled biases, omnipresent divisions and hatred of the “other,” and all-consuming anxiety about where humanity is headed, Everything, Now! demonstrate that allowing room for hope and grace can be a radical act. It’s what this band has always done best, and now we might just need them more than ever. 

c. 2024, ROGERS & NOW! INC.

Made at Postal Recording, Indianapolis, 2023.
Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Tyler Watkins.
Produced by Tyler Watkins and Everything, Now!

Jon Rogers - Vocals, Guitars, Keys, Percussion, Toys
Drew DeBoy - Keys, Percussion, Toys
Allen Bannister - Guitars, Percussion
John Muylle - Bass, Vocals, Keys, Harmonica, Percussion, Toys
Bryan Unruh - Drums, Percussion, Keys

w/ special guests:
Hubert Glover - Trumpet on "The Same War," "Magic Mountain," and "All My History"
Adam Gross - Saxophones on "Magic Mountain," Clarinet and Sax on "All My History"
BC Nelson - Trombone on "Magic Mountain" and "All My History"
Joe Fawcett - Violin on "USA Beef No. 51" and "One Commercial Hit"
Alex Dura - Saxophone on "One Commercial Hit"
Dave Carter - Duet Vocal on "All My History"

Handclaps and gang vocals by E,N! w/ Tyler, Morgan, and Dave.
Additional engineering assistance by Cortland Foxworth, Morgan Satterfield, and Bryan Unruh.
All songs written by J. Rogers.
Paintings by Benny Sanders.
Studio photos by Maude Cottone.
Artwork layout and design by Justin Shimp.
Title typography by Eric Nolan.
Handwritten text and drawings by J. Rogers.
Photos of Benny's paintings by Allen Bannister.

In loving memory of Wally Rogers, 2012-2023.